Can U Still Have a Baby if Your Tubes Are Tied

Tubal reversal surgery or IVF, in vitro fertilization, afterwards tubal ligation

Bundled price for tubal reversal of $9,000, including our fees, the surgery heart and anesthesia.

Women who accept had tubal ligations sometimes regret their decision and desire fertility in the future. There are 2 options for fertility after tubal ligation, tubal reversal surgery and in vitro fertilization – IVF. Both of these are reasonable options and how the adult female chooses to proceed should be based on an educated consideration of the pros and cons of each.

Virtually women have their tubes tied earlier they get out the infirmary after they deliver a baby, or they come in for tubal ligation by laparoscopy which is an outpatient surgical procedure done through a scope that goes through the navel.

Tubal reversal surgery usually requires a laparotomy which is a much larger incision on the abdomen normally approximately 4 to 6 inches in length. Since the skin and all the muscles and other tissues of the abdominal wall must be cut through there is considerably more than discomfort and a much longer recovery time following the surgery as compared to a laparoscopic surgery such as with a tubal ligation.

Some surgeons are now performing tubal reversal surgeries through the laparoscope. All the same, this is a relatively difficult technique and there is not notwithstanding sufficient published data to know what pregnancy rates volition be afterwards laparoscopic tubal reversal.

Most women will need to be in the hospital for approximately 3 days following tubal reversal surgery and will need to be off work for a minimum of 2 to 3 weeks.

There are 5 important bug regarding tubal reversal surgery that demand to exist considered and discussed. The sperm quality of the male partner, tubal status, status of other possible pelvic weather condition, female age, and egg quantity and quality.

Sperm quality

The male partner needs a sperm test prior to decision making about tubal reversal vs. IVF after tubal ligation. If the sperm quality is good, so the couple could possibly consider both options. If the sperm quality is poor, in vitro fertilization is the better option. This is considering pregnancy rates are low without using in vitro fertilization if there is poor sperm quality (low sperm count or motility). With IVF with ICSI, poor sperm quality is easily overcome.

Tubal status

The length of the remaining tubal stumps after tubal ligation (or cauterization if the tubes were burned instead of tied or clipped) is very important. The longer the 2 remaining stumps are on each side the better the chances for successful reversal and pregnancy. The shorter the stumps the lower are the chances for pregnancy.

Unfortunately, it can not be known how much tube is remaining for sure without surgery. A hysterosalpingogram (dye exam in radiology) tin can tell u.s. how long the proximal stump is (the piece of tube attached to the uterus) but the dye exam will not tell united states of america anything about the length of the distal stump (the far stop of the tube that has been separated from the uterus).

Some women go through tubal reversal surgery with very short tubes. This results in low chances for subsequent pregnancy.

The fimbria are delicate, fluffy structures at the end of the tube that "pick upwards" the egg when it is released from the ovary at the time of ovulation. If the fimbriated terminate of the tube is damaged or has been removed, chances for success with reversal are low.


Laparoscopy picture showing delicate fimbria (F) at end of normal fallopian tube (T)
The fimbria are close to the ovary so it can option upward the egg at ovulation

If both portions of fallopian tube are meaning long (sometimes they are quite short), the fimbria are in practiced condition, and the surgery is washed expertly, the expected pregnancy rate in immature women (under 35) without other fertility issues (male person partner also has good sperm quality) should exist about 75%.

This means that after 1 twelvemonth of trying 75% of women should be able to get pregnant if the tubal anatomy was good and these other factors are all normal. If any of these factors are abnormal, expected pregnancy rates subsequently tubal reversal would exist significantly lower.

Condition of any other pelvic weather condition

Pelvic endometriosis or whatever scar tissue in the expanse of the tubes or ovaries would exist expected to reduce the chances for success after tubal reversal surgery. Nonetheless, IVF pregnancy success rates are generally non affected by these weather. Therefore, in vitro fertilization is probably a ameliorate selection in women with significant endometriosis or pelvic scar tissue.

Female person age

Chances for pregnancy with either tubal reversal or IVF decline in the mid to late 30'southward and more dramatically starting at about historic period 38. By age 43-44, very few women volition exist able to have a baby using either arroyo. This event makes careful and honest counseling very important for women betwixt near 35 to 43 years of historic period.

I would discourage women 43 and older from pursuing either option because of the dismal success rates at that age and beyond. Egg donation is a more viable option iat that historic period.

Egg quantity and quality

Some women have a decline in either egg quantity or quality earlier in life than expected. Therefore, the woman'south "ovarian reserve" should exist tested before a decision is made regarding whether to proceed with either tubal reversal or in vitro fertilization. Ovarian reserve is usually assessed by an ovarian antral follicle count, ovarian volumes and twenty-four hours 3 FSH levels.

Tubal reversal surgery

The biggest advantage of tubal reversal surgery over IVF is that once the women has gone through the surgery she hopefully volition non need any intervention through a md such equally drugs, medications or procedures in order to go meaning. Obviously, the idea is that good former way sex will and so requite them the baby that they desire.

At that place is likewise very low adventure for multiple pregnancy – twins occur naturally in only 1 in 90 pregnancies. The biggest disadvantage is the fact that the women has to get through a big surgery and if pregnancy does not result afterward the tubal reversal her only option remaining is in vitro fertilization.

A pocket-sized disadvantage is that after she has her additional child (or children), she will need to employ contraception or have her tubes (or her male person partner’s) tied again.

In vitro fertilization - IVF

In vitro fertilization involves stimulating the woman with medications, taking a number of eggs from her ovaries, fertilizing them with her male partners sperm and transferring some of the resulting embryos back into her uterus with the hope that one will implant. In that location is detailed data elsewhere on this site near in vitro fertilization.

The biggest reward of in vitro fertilization is that the adult female can avert avoids the major surgery involved with a tubal reversal. Another advantage is that the outcome is known 10 days after the procedure when we do the get-go pregnancy test rather and then waiting for a year or more than to detect out whether the procedure is successful.

Success rates with IVF vary greatly according to the program. Some IVF programs take pregnancy rates with tubal factor infertility of over l% per try in women under 40 years onetime. Other programs with the same blazon of patients report pregnancy rates of but 20 to thirty% (or sometimes less).

The reason for this is that some in vitro fertilization programs are ameliorate than others. This is why the couple should do careful comparisons of in vitro fertilization success rates before choosing an IVF specialist and dispensary.

The biggest disadvantages of in vitro fertilization are that the woman has to take medications to stimulate development of multiple eggs and that there is e'er some run a risk for multiple pregnancy.

The biggest disadvantages of in vitro fertilization are that the woman has to accept medications to stimulate development of multiple eggs and that in that location is always some risk for multiple pregnancy.

Notwithstanding, multiple nascence risks tin be controlled by limiting the numbers of embryos transferred to i (or 2). Another disadvantage is that if the kickoff attempt does non piece of work the couple must do IVF again. Ofttimes in that location would be left over embryos that were frozen from the first cycle – it is much less expensive and easier for a second try using the frozen embryos. Nonetheless, if there are non any frozen embryos, the toll for the 2d attempt is unremarkably the same as for the commencement 1.

Costs for tubal reversal surgery and IVF costs

Physician charges for tubal reversal surgery and for IVF vary profoundly across the country. Most physicians accuse a professional fee of somewhere between $3000 and $8,000 for the tubal reversal surgery. On top of this will be hospital charges which are ordinarily between $7,000 and $20,000. Insurance volition rarely pay whatever of these charges.

  • We have a bundled price for tubal reversal of $nine,000 – includes our fees, surgery center and anesthesia

IVF costs between near $vii,000 and $17,000 plus medications depending on the program. Medication costs vary according to the amount needed for the individual woman, but average about $2500 – $3000 for the cycle.

  • Our IVF cycle package price is $10,000 plus medications
  • We also offer a multiple wheel IVF programme and a money-back guarantee IVF pricing option

There is no correlation betwixt the price programs charge and the pregnancy success rate. Some of the most expensive programs have very low pregnancy rates and some of the lower price programs take very high pregnancy rates. "You lot get what you pay for" does not necessarily apply for in vitro fertilization.

What's involved Expected pregnancy rate Tubal pregnancy rate
Tubal reversal Surgery, abdominal incision, i-3 weeks recovery fourth dimension 40-75% over 1-2 years
(age under 35)
5-15% of pregnancies
IVF after tubal ligation Shots for about 10 days
Egg retrieval
Embryo transfer
60-lxx% for one cycle
(at our clinic, age under 35)
Our IVF Success Rates
1% of pregnancies

Women that have had tubal ligations often ask united states:

"What is the best mode for me to have another infant, should I exercise IVF or should I accept the tubal reversal surgery?"

I do not believe that there is a "best" style. The best fashion to try to have another babe for an individual adult female is upward to her. She needs to learn about the pros and cons of both approaches so consider risks, benefits and costs involved with each one.

Having said all of this, very few women come in asking for reversal surgery anymore. They almost always have read near both options and want in vitro fertilization. The OB/GYN physicians are about frequently telling them to get for IVF as well. If we had a crystal ball that would tell united states what, if anything, would become the couple a infant information technology would be easy to decide.

If anyone has such a crystal ball for sale, please call me immediately. I will pay very well for it…

For more than information about details regarding tubal reversal surgery and IVF, there are many other pages on this website related to both tubal surgery and in vitro fertilization.


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